Friday, 15 May 2009

The new Kniterati blog...

The Kniterati Book group started out in 2007 at the old I Knit London shop in Bonnington Square. We've been meeting monthly ever since (give a take a few "lost" months last summer!) to discuss the chosen book, have some heated debate, some cake, some knitting and some crochet and generally putting the world to rights. To find out more about the group you can visit the old blog (last updated 2007!) or the official webpage. There's also an active Ravelry Group for the Kniterati over at . The group now meets at the new IKL shop on Lower Marsh, Waterloo on the first Tuesday every month from 6.30pm...

The group is open to all - just read the book of the month and turn up to let us all know what you thought. There's always a few new faces so don't be scared to take part. As we know there are many knitters who can't make the actual meetings, and sometimes some folk who read the books and then can't come along so we'd like to use the blog as a way for you to get involved too. So, we'll be posting details of all the books on here and you are welcome to join the discussion (although we'd request not starting your comments until after the meeting, please!). Now you can get involved wherever you are in the world.

So, feel free to join in! As you can see from the list of books we've been reading since 2007 there's a good mix of genres and styles, from classics to contemporary authors....we look forward to discovering what's to come at the Kniterati.

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